Tour de Sagan: revisiting stage 4

Remember the Cavendish-Sagan crash?

Just checking.

Even though the video below is dated July 7, 2017, I just happened upon it in the last 48 hours. So far, it’s the clearest analysis video I’ve seen AND it presents a cause of Cavendish’s fall that seems potentially indisputable to me. (It’s also got a fantastic final scene that makes it worth watching to the end. :D)


So what do you think: Is the cause of the crash indisputable or still questionable to you? If you care to share, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

I support Sagan.


4 thoughts on “Tour de Sagan: revisiting stage 4”

  1. Wow. That is crazy. I saw another video of Sagans arm caught on Cavs break lever top. He had to lift his elbow to get over it. UCI screwed up big time. They suck. #nosagannotour


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